Uesugi Kenshin

08 Jun

After experimenting with Koto’s Kureha, I’ve pretty much stopped toying with my figs. I bought this poised Uesugi Kenshin from the Sengoku Rance series the moment it was released way back in April but I haven’t had the chance to photo her till now. Ought to get back to it some time.

Uesugi Kenshin is one of many characters in the game who are alternate real Japanese historical figures. Other than this beauty, the name Kenshin probably dwells in players of Koei’s Samurai Warriors. Yup there’s been many debate over whether or not s/he is actually female.

Uesugi comes with a totally adorable samurai helmet that looks way too much like a funny wizard hat. The package also contains extension parts that allows you to power her up to Mikado Mode by adding her Mikado Katana and Mikado Hachimaki (traditional Japanese headband).

Sculpted by bishoujo sensei Shouei, this fig comes complete with a diamond shaped display base, but unfortunately the same problem occurs with Kotobukiya screwing the figurine’s feet to the base which makes peeping up her skirt in style totally difficult.

The obligatory pantsu shots that I don’t particularly like cos she ends up looking too top heavy in normal fashion sense. I guess Danny was right! Too much cloth. LOL

Want a healthy does of nosebleed? Check out the limited edition here.


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  1. Ellene

    Tuesday, 10 June, 2008 at 22:15

    Hoooiiii….how come i never seen her before? i know..must be you keeping such a pretty babe all to yourself yea? haha…nice presentation!! i wana have a nice and thorough look at her!! dont confine her in a box or something please…

  2. ron~

    Wednesday, 11 June, 2008 at 11:29

    hooo, very nice! the background really boost the photo :) I need to start doing my photos with custom bgs :D

  3. rokku

    Thursday, 12 June, 2008 at 18:18

    True, too much cloth
    But is nice too

  4. marvin

    Thursday, 3 July, 2008 at 14:16

    nice touch with the starred wires. ^^

  5. dice

    Tuesday, 15 July, 2008 at 10:04

    Thanks guys! Too bad I have ZERO figures here now. Would love to splurge at Akiba but. . . I’ve already spent a bomb coming here. LOL

  6. George

    Thursday, 17 July, 2008 at 18:05


    I’m george. I saw your site today. nice site. I’m interested in doing a banner exchange with you. drop me a message if you are okay with it. Cheer!

  7. Keitaro

    Thursday, 7 August, 2008 at 19:48

    oh man this is pretty good i swear to god

  8. Leonia

    Sunday, 8 November, 2009 at 22:45

    She is really great ^^ Especially, I love her eyes but not her hat ^^ Your picture are great, and I like so much your stars decorations ^^