Japanese Scarecrows

31 Oct

Japanese scarecrows that only show the legs.

If you’re visiting Japan and happen to come across these, please do not attempt to rescue them by pulling them out. They are actually scarecrows. Made in Japan, and only in Japan. :3

Via Danny Choo, Himazin


Posted in art, culture, japan


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  1. itsumo natsu

    Wednesday, 31 October, 2007 at 16:29

    Hmmm interesting. I wonder how effective they are. . .

    Do they have a “Scare-bosses” version that we can import? Perhaps with the head sticking into the In-Tray or office dustbin?

  2. Zinc

    Wednesday, 31 October, 2007 at 22:54

    Think a good “Scare-bosses” version will be putting this on top of the paper shredder. lol

  3. エストニア Kun

    Sunday, 4 November, 2007 at 11:17

    Ano..これ will only attract more 変質者 scarecrows hahahaha..

  4. dice

    Sunday, 4 November, 2007 at 23:07

    *gasp* Tsk tsk!~ LOL but seriously I did think that it’d really be hilarious if some one/animal went over and start humping. . . -.-!

  5. Matsuo Ryou

    Monday, 5 November, 2007 at 12:17

    Japanese are always into something creative, interesting.

    Will they work?

  6. mervyn

    Monday, 5 November, 2007 at 13:28

    Probably attract more crows. The scarecrows look like dead corpses in that position, ideal crow feed. I can already visualize it, one crow on each feet, one on the third leg position pecking away furiously.