Posts Tagged ‘poo’

Cell Phone Strap: Golden Unchi – Golden Poo

11 Feb


I’m really not too sure about this. Golden poo cell phone strap as a symbol of luck? According to Strappy World, the symbol of crap is very auspicious! I really give it to the Japanese to churn a mundane product into a money tree. In Japanese, your “output” or excrement is called “unko” and in the same pronunciation, it means lucky kid! Though I’m no Feng Shui 風水 expert I’ve read just about enough to understand the kinds of geomancy elements and symbols. But Poo? So far, I’ve really never heard of crap being a symbol of good luck. Well, at least not here~ So when I chanced upon this in my quest to blog about something I have zero affinity to . . . I almost fell off my chair.

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